Quarter II 2020 (April – June)

High level Quarterly breakdown

  • Product Management Polish & additional functionality
  • Product Data and reporting polishing
    • Managers providing updates and key metrics about products and services
  • Customer service gameplay implementation
  • Data related penalties (for insufficient data capacity)

Details + Pct% completed

Product Management Polish – 85%

Currently with CPU’s being the only product implemented, we want to make sure we get the full suite of management controls for products before we start pushing the remaining products into the game.

This will allow the player to better manage their products, from reading performance charts, to making changes to products and managing them after market.

Product data and reporting polishing – 25%

This item goes hand-in-hand with the above Product Management second pass. Reports on products and feedback from the market are very important aspects of this game. Without this, you are flying blind in essence when it comes to reacting to the market and the performance of your products. Once implemented, you should have a better understanding of how well your products are performing other than just seeing the bottom line surge or stall…

Customer service gameplay implementation – 50%

In the game, your customers will come from different backgrounds and therefore some will be more acclimated to the products you sell while others not-so-much. Regardless, all may require assistance in using and operating your products. For this, you will have to provide customer support for your products. In future implementations, you will be able to outsource this, but for this implementation, we will add the ability for you to hire employees who can provide this service for you.

Data related penalties – 30%

Now that data is implemented into the game, there will have to be penalties for having insufficient data capacity. For the first implementation, the lack of data capacity can lead to organizational deficiency and on a greater scale; possible other more severe issues.

This update is expected to release at the end of June, beginning of July 2020.